Our Services

Physical Therapy

Specializing in orthopedic conditions to reduce pain, move better to keep you actively enjoying what is important in your life.

We come to you, saving you time and allowing you to prioritize your health and wellness on your schedule.

Movement Analysis

Addressing posture, joint and soft tissue movement faults to keep your bones and soft tissues moving optimally. Movement analysis with your activities of daily living to optimize movement patterns to decrease stress to joints and soft tissues, to age better and reduce pain.

Being proactive in your health and wellness will keep you moving better and foster preventative care.

Wellness Coaching

Perhaps not actively dealing with a painful condition, but you would like to understand your flexibility, balance and stability deficits to move better and avoid pain/ disability.

Wellness coaching helps to keep you accountable for your health goals.

Dry Needling

Trigger points are taut bands or "knots" in a muscle and influence movement patterns which can lead to pain.

Dry needling for trigger points has been proven to decrease muscle tightness, increase blood flow and reduce pain.

Fall Reduction Strategies

Injury from falling can negatively impact your ability to maintain independence as you age. Multiple factors can increase your risk of falling including tightness in your calves and weakness in your hips.

Balance gradually declines as we age, but if you actively work on it you can maintain and even improve your balance which will help you move better and reduce your fall risk.

Ergonomic and Posture Assessment

Ergonomics and postural awareness goes much further than just your computer and desk set up.

Repetitive postures when cooking, cleaning, sewing, reading can lead to abnormal stresses on joints and soft tissues. If there is a better way to set yourself up we will help you identify it. If there is not a perfect solution we will work to "undo" what you have done through a custom exercise program.

Office: Berrien County, Michigan

Call or text 269.205.3669

Email: rebecca@mobilitywise.net

Site: www.mobilitywise.net

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